Mar 11, 2022
In this post I will give an overview of my solution, explore some of my alternate solutions which didn’t perform as well, and give a quick overview on how to customize fastai to work on a new dataset.
Dec 8, 2021
SageMaker is a strong contender for those starting out in deep learning and almost a straight upgrade from the free version of Colab. Compared to Kaggle and Colab Pro's P100, SageMaker's T4 can be faster in Mixed Precision training, while significantly slower in single precision training.
Oct 1, 2021
In this tutorial I cover how to use for inference, how to save and load models, and how to avoid the few pitfalls along the way.
Jul 19, 2021
PyTorch 1.9 added a native implementation of Mish, my go to activation function for computer vision tasks. In this post I benchmark the computational performance of native Mish on a Tesla V100, Tesla P100, and CPU and compare its speed to other Mish implementations and activation functions.