Benchmarking PyTorch’s Native Mish

For computer vision The code for this post can be found here. tasks MishDiganta Misra. 2019. Mish: A self regularized non-monotonic neural activation function. arXiv:1908.08681. is my go to activation function. When training new models or new layers during transfer learning, I have found that Mish performs on par if not better then alternative activation functions.

The primary downside of using Mish has been performance. The PyTorch JIT versions have often been slower than other PyTorch native activation functions. While it was possible to achieve similar performance to a native activation function it required installing a CUDA implementation which isn’t possible on every platformSuch as Kaggle Notebooks..

When Diganta Misra announced that Mish would have a native implementation in PyTorch 1.9, I hoped it would it would match or exceed the computational performance of Thomas Brandon’s MishCuda implementation. And after 1.9’s release, decided to benchmark it to find out.

But first, some background on Mish and activation functionsTo skip directly to the benchmark, click here..

# Activation Functions

Activation functions are a necessary part of neural networks as they add non-linearities to an otherwise linear network which allows them to learn non-linear complex functions. Without activation functions, neural networks would be very high polynomial linear functions and training models would be akin to fitting a linear regression.

Early on, neural networks used Sigmoid or TanH as their activation functions but transitioned to Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)Xavier Glorot, Antoine Bordes, and Yoshua Bengio. 2011. Deep Sparse Rectifier Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR, 315–323. which has remained the default activation function across many models and papers due to its simplicity and consistent performance across most tasksIn some domains, such as tabular neural networks, ReLU is still one of the best activation functions, not just the default..

Mathematically, ReLU is defined as:

f(x)=max(0,x)(1)\tag{1}f(x) = \max(0, x)

with a plot of ReLU is shown in Figure 1 below.

Graphical representation of ReLU. From Towards Data Science.

ReLU has a few weaknesses which have spurred the hunt for better activation functions. The discontinuous derivative and flat nonlinear function for negative values creates an output landscape with sharp transitions and a rough profile, which can cause undesired outcomes during gradient-based optimization.

Output landscape of randomly initialized neural network with ReLU

One possible negative outcome is the Dying ReLU problem, where the information loss of negative inputs being zeroed prevents gradient updates from flowing through the network during backpropagation; leading to stagnant and unchanged weights. In a worst case scenario this results in a large portion of the model unable to learn further. Fortunately, a properly calibrated learning rate can prevent this problem from occurring.

# Mish

Mish is a self-gated, smooth, continuously differentiable, and nonmonotonic activation function. Mish is defined as:

f(x)=xtanh(softplus(x))(2)\tag{2}f(x) = x\tanh(\textmd{softplus}(x))

where softplus(x)\textmd{softplus}(x)Qian Liu and Steve Furber. 2016. Noisy Softplus: A Biology Inspired Activation Function. In Neural Information Processing. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-46681-1_49 is ln(1+𝑒𝑥)\ln⁡(1+𝑒^𝑥). It is bounded below and unbounded above with a range of [0.31,)[≈-0.31, ∞). Mish was inspiredMisra cites Swish as the inspiration for Mish, however as Swish is SiLU but with a trainable β parameter which is usually set to 1 (making it identical to SiLU), I will refer to Swish as SiLU. by SiLUStefan Elfwing, Eiji Uchibe, and Kenji Doya. Sigmoid-Weighted Linear Units for Neural Network Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning. arXiv:1702.03118. which shares many similar properties.

Graphical representation of Mish.

All of these properties combined—self-gated, smooth, continuously differentiable, unbounded above, bounded below, and nonmonotonic—give Mish advantages over other activation functions such as ReLU.

Inspired by Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs)Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber. 1997. Long Short-Term Memory. Neural Computation 9, 8 (November 1997), 1735–1780. DOI:10.1162/neco.1997.9.8.1735 and similar architectures’ gate structures, self-gating allows Mish to modulate its input by using the input as a gate to multiply with the output of the non-linear function of the input. Additionally, it allows Mish to be a drop-in replacement for non-gated activation functions, as Mish only requires a single input verses a traditional gate’s requirement of multiple inputs.

Mish’s smooth profile assists in better gradient flow, which allows for easier updates during backpropagation. In addition to being smooth, Mish’s continuous differentiability means Mish avoids singularities in its derivative which can hinder gradient-based optimization.

Mish is unbounded above which prevents saturation, that is unnecessarily slowing down training due to near-zero gradients, a feature it shares with ReLU. Mish is bounded below which gives it strong regularization effects during training. But unlike ReLU, Mish allows a small amount of negative outputs to pass through, which eliminates the Dying ReLU problem and leads to improved information propagation throughout the network. This gives Mish its nonmonotonic property and allows it to achieve superior performance in very deep networks to monotonic activation functions.

Output landscape of randomly initialized neural network with Mish

Figure 4 shows how these properties create a smooth output landscape with smooth transitions. A stark visual contrast to ReLU as shown in Figure 2.

Since Mish’s introduction, Mish has been benchmarked in numerous vision tasks with far more wins than losses, including outperforming SiLU in 75% of these tasks. Mish has been used in models such as YOLOv4Alexey Bochkovskiy, Chien-Yao Wang, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao. 2020. YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection. arXiv:2004.10934. which currently is state of the art for real-time object detection on MSCOCO, it was found to have similar adversarial robustness to GELUDan Hendrycks and Kevin Gimpel. 2020. Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs). arXiv:1606.08415., and the paper was accepted in the prestigious British Machine Vision Conference 2020. Mish was also used by the community to achieve state of the art accuracy on the Imagenette leaderboard, which is where I first learned about it.

# Benchmarking

To benchmark PyTorch native Mish’s performance against other implementations and activation functions, I tested ReLU, Leaky ReLUAndrew L. Maas, Awni Y. Hannun, and Andrew Y. Ng. 2013. Rectifier nonlinearities improve neural network acoustic models. In ICML Workshop on Deep Learning for Audio, Speech and Language Processing., Softplus, SiLU, and Mish via the following implementations:

To measure the computational performance of all nine activation function implementations on Google Colab using their Tesla V100, Tesla P100, and CPU instances, I lightly modified Thomas Brandon’s CUDA benchmarking script. The script uses a rank four tensor of size (16,10,256,256)I also benchmarked computational performance on a rank four tensor of size (64,10,256,256), but did not reproduce the results as they tell the same story. and records 100 forward and backward passes after 10 warmup runs. My version adds bfloat16 to the list of float16, float32, and float64 tensor types and a CPU benchmark where I only measured float32 performance. I additionally ran a PyTorch 1.8 test on a Tesla V100 to see if there have been changes in other activation function implementation performance across PyTorch versions.

All results are using CUDA 10.2.

Code and raw results for all benchmarks are available here.

# V100

On a Tesla V100, PyTorch native Mish’s performance is competitive with all other activation functions and implementations, if not the outright leader. For example, during Mixed Precision training Mish should have the fastest forward pass and should only be outperformed during the backward pass by SiLU. On Volta hardware native Mish is a clear winner over other Mish implementations, and I would be surprised if this lead did not hold on modern Ampere hardware too.

Given the complexity differences, one surprising result is the performance of Mish and SiLU relative to ReLU. With the exception of float64, native Mish is faster than native ReLU, and native SiLU is always faster than native ReLU.

Activation Functions’ Forward and Backward Pass on a Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB using PyTorch 1.9.

    Forward Pass Backward Pass
Tensor Type Function Mean StDev Min Max Mean StDev Min Max
float16 ReLU 100.4µs 4.316µs 96.26µs 116.7µs 179.6µs 16.79µs 161.8µs 301.1µs
  Leaky ReLU 95.32µs 3.966µs 92.16µs 120.8µs 178.8µs 28.97µs 158.7µs 323.6µs
  Softplus 105.4µs 7.069µs 100.4µs 151.6µs 237.3µs 378.3µs 171.0µs 3.813ms
  SiLU (jit) 114.3µs 62.76µs 99.33µs 638.0µs 249.7µs 288.3µs 169.0µs 2.765ms
  SiLU (native) 86.78µs 2.632µs 83.97µs 100.4µs 158.8µs 12.15µs 147.5µs 196.6µs
  Mish (naive) 239.4µs 7.391µs 232.4µs 272.4µs 502.3µs 341.5µs 463.9µs 3.900ms
  Mish (jit) 187.0µs 4.837µs 182.3µs 204.8µs 254.5µs 9.229µs 248.8µs 328.7µs
  Mish (cuda) 116.1µs 5.289µs 107.5µs 136.2µs 185.1µs 21.07µs 169.0µs 291.8µs
  Mish (native) 84.57µs 3.283µs 81.92µs 101.4µs 168.2µs 16.51µs 155.6µs 271.4µs
bfloat16 ReLU 94.56µs 65.80µs 83.97µs 747.5µs 197.6µs 246.0µs 143.4µs 1.988ms
  Leaky ReLU 84.14µs 5.659µs 80.90µs 116.7µs 155.2µs 13.22µs 143.4µs 199.7µs
  Softplus 97.58µs 3.035µs 95.23µs 109.6µs 152.3µs 13.03µs 146.4µs 261.1µs
  SiLU (jit) 178.3µs 7.874µs 172.0µs 213.0µs 598.2µs 412.6µs 542.7µs 4.677ms
  SiLU (native) 84.90µs 4.708µs 80.90µs 113.7µs 187.3µs 162.1µs 144.4µs 1.535ms
  Mish (naive) 242.1µs 5.280µs 236.5µs 262.1µs 472.0µs 70.70µs 458.8µs 1.011ms
  Mish (jit) 258.8µs 39.72µs 247.8µs 647.2µs 796.5µs 265.8µs 758.8µs 3.290ms
  Mish (cuda) 258.8µs 39.72µs 247.8µs 647.2µs 796.5µs 265.8µs 758.8µs 3.290ms
  Mish (native) 87.34µs 5.521µs 82.94µs 119.8µs 170.9µs 21.28µs 154.6µs 332.8µs
float32 ReLU 132.7µs 5.097µs 128.0µs 149.5µs 235.3µs 124.5µs 216.1µs 1.331ms
  Leaky ReLU 134.6µs 53.66µs 123.9µs 663.6µs 291.6µs 416.3µs 216.1µs 3.420ms
  Softplus 127.1µs 3.866µs 123.9µs 144.4µs 219.1µs 3.852µs 217.1µs 254.0µs
  SiLU (jit) 305.7µs 101.5µs 288.8µs 1.312ms 974.2µs 201.2µs 932.9µs 2.338ms
  SiLU (native) 127.4µs 4.018µs 122.9µs 144.4µs 217.9µs 754.2ns 216.1µs 220.2µs
  Mish (naive) 396.4µs 71.03µs 382.0µs 1.080ms 912.2µs 748.6µs 819.2µs 8.176ms
  Mish (jit) 408.6µs 40.85µs 395.3µs 805.9µs 1.410ms 846.5µs 1.294ms 9.495ms
  Mish (cuda) 141.0µs 4.121µs 135.2µs 158.7µs 235.6µs 77.05µs 222.2µs 969.7µs
  Mish (native) 128.3µs 2.898µs 124.9µs 139.3µs 220.5µs 952.9ns 219.1µs 224.3µs
float64 ReLU 324.0µs 4.909µs 318.5µs 341.0µs 492.1µs 170.1µs 470.0µs 2.169ms
  Leaky ReLU 319.6µs 4.031µs 314.4µs 334.8µs 472.4µs 2.247µs 469.0µs 485.4µs
  Softplus 312.7µs 4.179µs 307.2µs 329.7µs 470.3µs 1.141µs 468.0µs 473.1µs
  SiLU (jit) 722.5µs 9.100µs 712.7µs 756.7µs 2.447ms 172.7µs 2.416ms 4.107ms
  SiLU (native) 316.3µs 5.669µs 310.3µs 348.2µs 473.1µs 1.782µs 470.0µs 482.3µs
  Mish (naive) 995.5µs 18.37µs 985.1µs 1.165ms 1.999ms 79.57µs 1.979ms 2.789ms
  Mish (jit) 1.009ms 10.14µs 997.4µs 1.050ms 3.405ms 178.1µs 3.374ms 5.177ms
  Mish (cuda) 344.1µs 5.212µs 340.0µs 371.7µs 470.1µs 1.002µs 469.0µs 476.2µs
  Mish (native) 334.5µs 4.198µs 328.7µs 348.2µs 479.5µs 1.436µs 478.2µs 489.5µs

Lower is better. Fastest pass and those statistically indistinguishable at the p=0.001 level are highlighted.

# P100

Unlike the Tesla V100, the Tesla P100 had wide variance in computational performance for many activation functions. The large variance for the bfloat16, float32, and float64 backward pass caused the computational time of many of these activation functions to be statistically indistinguishable from each other at the p=0.001 level. Changing the number of timed iterations from 100 to 50 & 25 and warmup runs from 10 to 5 did not materially change the variance of the tests.

Focusing on float16 where there is less variance, PyTorch’s native Mish had a significant improvement over other Mish implementations but its performance still lags most of the other PyTorch native activation functions, with the notable exception of Softplus, which brings up the rear.

Despite these results, native Mish is either more performant or statistically indistinguishable from other Mish implementations.

Activation Functions’ Forward and Backward Pass on a Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB using PyTorch 1.9.

    Forward Pass Backward Pass
Tensor Type Function Mean StDev Min Max Mean StDev Min Max
float16 ReLU 114.3µs 15.35µs 106.2µs 236.0µs 401.8µs 502.5µs 327.6µs 5.170ms
  Leaky ReLU 104.9µs 15.58µs 101.1µs 257.4µs 316.7µs 15.29µs 314.0µs 468.8µs
  Softplus 225.3µs 61.01µs 214.5µs 831.2µs 449.3µs 65.98µs 436.4µs 1.091ms
  SiLU (jit) 181.8µs 21.29µs 177.0µs 363.1µs 364.7µs 769.8ns 362.7µs 366.6µs
  SiLU (native) 128.5µs 4.818µs 124.5µs 148.4µs 333.0µs 183.8µs 309.5µs 2.113ms
  Mish (naive) 434.0µs 25.70µs 428.3µs 686.8µs 932.5µs 213.1µs 900.4µs 2.707ms
  Mish (jit) 378.0µs 7.118µs 368.3µs 400.0µs 625.6µs 307.2µs 590.4µs 3.681ms
  Mish (cuda) 277.4µs 3.832µs 273.4µs 305.4µs 478.6µs 467.8ns 477.8µs 480.2µs
  Mish (native) 206.1µs 44.46µs 197.5µs 644.7µs 446.4µs 26.33µs 441.5µs 678.7µs
bfloat16 ReLU 107.4µs 2.817µs 105.2µs 119.2µs 307.4µs 5.838µs 305.6µs 359.3µs
  Leaky ReLU 103.2µs 3.106µs 100.8µs 122.3µs 307.4µs 2.372µs 306.5µs 330.7µs
  Softplus 240.4µs 32.73µs 235.0µs 563.8µs 429.4µs 328.5µs 395.8µs 3.698ms
  SiLU (jit) 273.8µs 6.896µs 268.6µs 311.7µs 909.9µs 114.8µs 896.0µs 2.052ms
  SiLU (native) 143.6µs 5.667µs 138.5µs 175.3µs 360.0µs 235.9µs 314.3µs 2.393ms
  Mish (naive) 463.9µs 61.92µs 454.0µs 1.079ms 884.3µs 212.4µs 861.4µs 2.998ms
  Mish (jit) 472.1µs 5.339µs 467.2µs 490.6µs 1.371ms 283.2µs 1.329ms 3.923ms
  Mish (cuda) 472.1µs 5.339µs 467.2µs 490.6µs 1.371ms 283.2µs 1.329ms 3.923ms
  Mish (native) 218.0µs 12.73µs 212.5µs 338.4µs 511.6µs 231.6µs 453.4µs 1.670ms
float32 ReLU 189.9µs 47.20µs 182.3µs 658.5µs 468.4µs 258.1µs 441.3µs 3.037m
  Leaky ReLU 185.1µs 40.48µs 177.8µs 586.2µs 471.9µs 223.4µs 441.4µs 2.584ms
  Softplus 208.0µs 47.14µs 197.9µs 674.7µs 465.0µs 215.5µs 442.1µs 2.609ms
  SiLU (jit) 433.0µs 27.39µs 423.3µs 698.0µs 1.574ms 286.1µs 1.525ms 4.144ms
  SiLU (native) 181.3µs 6.474µs 176.3µs 224.7µs 447.2µs 40.24µs 441.3µs 847.6µs
  Mish (naive) 595.9µs 19.62µs 586.6µs 773.0µs 1.365ms 69.41µs 1.352ms 1.946ms
  Mish (jit) 605.0µs 6.587µs 599.2µs 641.4µs 2.148ms 401.9µs 2.090ms 5.812ms
  Mish (cuda) 283.4µs 4.760µs 278.7µs 300.0µs 490.5µs 21.11µs 485.7µs 700.1µs
  Mish (native) 208.9µs 40.96µs 199.9µs 610.7µs 497.6µs 218.6µs 466.3µs 2.442ms
float64 ReLU 392.7µs 4.992µs 386.7µs 415.8µs 721.7µs 204.1µs 694.0µs 2.732ms
  Leaky ReLU 390.2µs 8.284µs 382.8µs 447.1µs 707.8µs 79.32µs 694.6µs 1.455ms
  Softplus 489.0µs 16.10µs 482.1µs 636.3µs 813.3µs 180.5µs 783.9µs 2.473ms
  SiLU (jit) 1.006ms 6.768µs 995.1µs 1.026ms 3.258ms 112.6µs 3.239ms 4.378ms
  SiLU (native) 382.9µs 7.561µs 377.0µs 435.7µs 692.6µs 2.279µs 688.0µs 709.7µs
  Mish (naive) 1.343ms 8.757µs 1.332ms 1.403ms 2.828ms 390.0µs 2.766ms 5.945ms
  Mish (jit) 1.355ms 6.540µs 1.346ms 1.385ms 4.575ms 212.3µs 4.541ms 6.687ms
  Mish (cuda) 717.0µs 4.584µs 713.2µs 746.3µs 976.7µs 611.9ns 975.2µs 979.6µs
  Mish (native) 645.9µs 5.989µs 639.8µs 669.6µs 976.7µs 201.0µs 943.0µs 2.408ms

Lower is better. Fastest pass and those statistically indistinguishable at the p=0.001 level are highlighted.


The CPUs which Google Colab serves on their instances are variable from generation to generation. I was able to run the CPU benchmarkYou shouldn’t train neural networks on CPU, but just in case I timed the backward pass in addition to the forward pass to benchmark inference. on Haswell, Broadwell, and SkylakeIntel has multiple product generations, Skylake, Cascade Lake, and Cooper Lake, which all share the same Family 6 Model 85 designation, but due to the cache size I think I benchmarked on a Skylake. Xeon CPUs. There were not any major differences between CPU generations, other than older CPUs being slower, so I only reproduced the Haswell and Skylake results.

Unsurprising due to its simplicity, ReLU has the fastest forward pass across all tested CPU generations. The surprising result is PyTorch native Mish is significantly slower than all other activation functions. A result replicated across all tested CPU generations. A priori, I would have expected it to perform on par with native SiLU, but Mish is an order of magnitude slower. The other intriguing result is a backward pass using Softplus was faster than a forward pass. This oddity persisted across multiple runs on all CPU generations.

When using CPU for inference, it would be best to replace the native Mish version with the TorchScript version. At least until PyTorch improves the CPU optimizes for native Mish.

Activation Functions’ Forward and Backward Pass on a Haswell and Skylake Xeon using PyTorch 1.9

    Forward Pass Backward Pass
CPU Function Mean StDev Min Max Mean StDev Min Max
Haswell ReLU 19.95ms 618.7µs 18.61ms 23.66ms 44.59ms 1.026ms 42.70ms 49.14ms
  Leaky ReLU 20.60ms 850.2µs 17.80ms 25.07ms 45.02ms 1.071ms 42.83ms 48.56ms
  Softplus 61.69ms 1.328ms 59.94ms 65.84ms 49.82ms 1.341ms 48.06ms 56.02ms
  SiLU (jit) 47.55ms 2.001ms 44.50ms 53.54ms 168.6ms 2.993ms 162.4ms 181.5ms
  SiLU (native) 24.50ms 1.224ms 22.62ms 30.06ms 50.89ms 1.382ms 48.49ms 58.31ms
  Mish (naive) 123.6ms 2.575ms 120.1ms 132.6ms 143.0ms 2.669ms 138.1ms 154.2ms
  Mish (jit) 123.0ms 2.387ms 120.1ms 132.0ms 292.3ms 3.622ms 284.6ms 301.6ms
  Mish (native) 144.5ms 1.294ms 142.3ms 149.8ms 183.0ms 2.418ms 178.8ms 192.1ms
Skylake ReLU 9.791ms 541.3µs 9.225ms 13.19ms 26.25ms 808.5µs 25.39ms 29.88ms
  Leaky ReLU 10.69ms 664.5µs 9.579ms 13.68ms 28.27ms 1.210ms 26.49ms 31.89ms
  Softplus 48.18ms 2.954ms 43.05ms 53.93ms 32.99ms 2.090ms 30.05ms 40.69ms
  SiLU (jit) 27.55ms 1.636ms 25.81ms 34.08ms 95.21ms 2.974ms 91.30ms 105.0ms
  SiLU (native) 13.83ms 687.5µs 13.23ms 17.85ms 30.66ms 1.096ms 29.63ms 35.38ms
  Mish (naive) 74.72ms 5.135ms 68.01ms 85.55ms 84.82ms 3.569ms 78.94ms 94.52ms
  Mish (jit) 73.17ms 4.608ms 67.65ms 85.18ms 170.3ms 7.535ms 160.6ms 189.9ms
  Mish (native) 113.9ms 7.488ms 103.4ms 129.7ms 142.7ms 9.413ms 130.2ms 164.6ms

Lower is better. All results for float32. Fastest pass and those statistically indistinguishable at the p=0.001 level are highlighted.

# PyTorch 1.8 V100

PyTorch did not have a native implementation of Mish in version 1.8, so this test is to see how much variance there is in activation function performance from PyTorch version to PyTorch version. Most PyTorch 1.8 activation functions are either statistically indistinguishable at the p=0.001 level or are slower than their PyTorch 1.9 counterparts. Native SiLU’s forward pass had a noticeably consistent improvement in speed from PyTorch 1.8 to PyTorch 1.9.

One notable exception is the forward pass of native ReLU, which had a statistically significant decrease in performance for both float16 and float32 from PyTorch 1.8 to PyTorch 1.9.

Activation Functions’ Forward and Backward Pass on a Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB using PyTorch 1.8.

    Forward Pass Backward Pass
Tensor Type Function Mean StDev Min Max Mean StDev Min Max
float16 ReLU 96.16µs 2.513µs 94.21µs 107.5µs 174.2µs 10.19µs 159.7µs 217.1µs
  Leaky ReLU 99.91µs 23.17µs 88.06µs 293.9µs 248.1µs 421.7µs 155.6µs 3.763ms
  Softplus 99.59µs 3.792µs 96.26µs 120.8µs 192.7µs 179.1µs 158.7µs 1.964ms
  SiLU (jit) 110.8µs 4.060µs 106.5µs 126.0µs 208.9µs 21.59µs 186.4µs 347.1µs
  SiLU (native) 94.23µs 4.252µs 91.14µs 111.6µs 173.7µs 21.12µs 154.6µs 303.1µs
  Mish (naive) 241.1µs 5.324µs 235.5µs 267.3µs 504.7µs 359.3µs 463.9µs 4.080ms
  Mish (jit) 195.0µs 6.865µs 189.4µs 244.7µs 261.5µs 9.261µs 254.0µs 294.9µs
  Mish (cuda) 118.8µs 4.640µs 115.7µs 149.5µs 205.0µs 75.83µs 173.1µs 840.7µs
bfloat16 ReLU 85.61µs 3.666µs 83.97µs 102.4µs 171.5µs 13.31µs 149.5µs 206.8µs
  Leaky ReLU 91.97µs 66.68µs 79.87µs 754.7µs 209.2µs 268.3µs 151.6µs 2.597ms
  Softplus 99.76µs 1.696µs 98.30µs 106.5µs 159.5µs 16.70µs 146.4µs 275.5µs
  SiLU (jit) 182.8µs 5.078µs 177.2µs 205.8µs 568.9µs 122.0µs 541.7µs 1.560ms
  SiLU (native) 88.71µs 2.927µs 86.02µs 103.4µs 171.5µs 13.83µs 147.5µs 228.4µs
  Mish (naive) 243.1µs 4.139µs 239.6µs 260.1µs 482.6µs 177.1µs 458.8µs 2.214ms
  Mish (jit) 259.7µs 33.09µs 252.9µs 584.7µs 781.3µs 191.0µs 759.8µs 2.681ms
  Mish (cuda) 259.7µs 33.09µs 252.9µs 584.7µs 781.3µs 191.0µs 759.8µs 2.681ms
float32 ReLU 129.4µs 3.984µs 126.0µs 146.4µs 220.9µs 25.02µs 216.1µs 448.5µs
  Leaky ReLU 130.7µs 4.009µs 128.0µs 148.5µs 234.1µs 158.8µs 216.1µs 1.812ms
  Softplus 138.5µs 78.90µs 128.0µs 922.6µs 238.2µs 197.8µs 217.1µs 2.207ms
  SiLU (jit) 299.8µs 7.123µs 294.9µs 341.0µs 958.0µs 127.0µs 932.9µs 1.993ms
  SiLU (native) 133.1µs 3.747µs 124.9µs 146.4µs 217.9µs 1.215µs 217.1µs 228.4µs
  Mish (naive) 398.7µs 55.39µs 386.0µs 938.0µs 856.2µs 243.4µs 819.2µs 2.613ms
  Mish (jit) 407.7µs 28.66µs 399.4µs 641.0µs 1.323ms 184.6µs 1.295ms 3.063ms
  Mish (cuda) 142.3µs 5.070µs 138.2µs 164.9µs 281.1µs 557.4µs 222.2µs 5.826ms
float64 ReLU 326.7µs 28.28µs 315.4µs 566.3µs 497.3µs 189.2µs 470.0µs 2.343ms
  Leaky ReLU 321.8µs 6.283µs 315.4µs 349.2µs 472.0µs 1.451µs 469.0µs 479.2µs
  Softplus 316.9µs 4.720µs 310.3µs 335.9µs 469.5µs 1.753µs 466.9µs 478.2µs
  SiLU (jit) 727.0µs 10.50µs 715.8µs 786.4µs 2.481ms 302.3µs 2.412ms 4.910ms
  SiLU (native) 322.0µs 15.89µs 316.4µs 475.1µs 472.8µs 1.526µs 469.0µs 477.2µs
  Mish (naive) 997.1µs 18.65µs 987.1µs 1.176ms 1.990ms 3.833µs 1.983ms 2.002ms
  Mish (jit) 1.010ms 7.377µs 1.000ms 1.036ms 3.421ms 229.3µs 3.378ms 5.051ms
  Mish (cuda) 346.5µs 4.061µs 343.0µs 366.6µs 471.2µs 827.5ns 470.0µs 473.1µs

Lower is better. Bolded passes are faster than PyTorch 1.9 and italic passes are slower than PyTorch 1.9. Fastest pass and those statistically indistinguishable are highlighted. All at the p=0.001 level.

# Conclusion

Overall I am quite pleased with the performance of native Mish. On more modern hardware when training via mixed precision or full precisionUnfortunately, I did not have access to Ampere hardware, and thus was unable to benchmark Nvidia’s TensorFloat32, however I would expect it to behave similar to float16 and float32 performance. native Mish should be comparable if not faster than other native PyTorch activation functions. On older hardware native Mish is still an upgrade in performance over other Mish implementations, however Mish is no longer in contention for best performance.

The one sore spot is CPU performance where it’s best to replace the native Mish implementation with a TorchScript implementation. Hopefully future releases of PyTorch will improve Mish’s CPU forward pass performance closer to SiLU’s.

With the release of PyTorch 1.9 it is time to switch to native Mish.

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In this tutorial I cover how to use for inference, how to save and load models, and how...